Thursday, September 24, 2009

Asses of Yesterday and Today

This is a statue (bronze I believe) of an old woman planting rice. Her hand is extended comfortably to spread the seeds evenly. The bucket holds the rice. I believe it originated from somewhere in Asia.

These are horse statues (stone and copper?) from China.

This is a Roman statue (Greek copy).

A painting of fruits. Not sure who it's by but they look delicious!

The way I would arrange these pieces is the Greek statue standing next to the three horse statues, butts facing the crowd. I would use platforms to raise the butts to the same level and have the old woman statue standing behind one of them (whichever, I can't decide). The fruits painting would be behind it all, visible past the statues.

I would honestly say the reaction could be humorous or environmentally conscious (or something else, anyone have thoughts?). Humorous because it could seem like the old woman is reaching to touch an ass. Environmental because droppings, once composted and back in the ground, make fertilized earth, great for growing crops... Much like the tasty looking ones in the painting.

Ehh, this isn't very creative. More of a sad joke than anything.

On a lighter note, I haven't been back at the MIA since I studied art after the 1900's (much less stepped foot in the more modern areas of MIA which I never knew about). I nearly died when I saw works by artists like Schiele, Mondrian, Brancusi, Picasso, Carrington, Matisse, Ernst, Kandinsky... What an experience.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Post-Modern? Shmoderrn!

I went to Highpoint Center (a place more for printmaking) on Friday, September 11th to an art opening as well as a magazine preview party (with Chandra and Kevin). After being lost in Minneapolis for about an hour, we finally (by chance) came across the street which the gallery resided at. Ironically, we made it on time at 7:00pm. But of course, we were unfashionably early and no one was there... above is one of the main pieces in the show.


(This chapter was hell to understand, but what the heck..)
"This is pornography..." by Pink Porcupine

This is an ink drawing by a very talented artist who goes by the name Pink Porcupine. She drew what seems like a an older woman harvesting the insides of a (hairy) man and showing a younger siamese boy(s). Bugs flock the grasped organs as well as birds feasting at them. It has a very motherly feel, yet it is grotesque and shocking at the same time. Not something you witness or hear about everyday.
As far as I am aware, the artist does her artwork as a self-therapy and responses to certain things. This particular piece was done in response to her art being banned from an art website, by the reasons of the admins saying it was pornography (whereas she did not believe it was, and I agree). Knowing this, I get the feeling of anger and satire.
So is this art? I personally believe it is. Some scholars believe there is no real art in this "post-modern" era. I have no personal opinion about labeling what time period an art piece was made in, but if someone is claiming something is not art (especially art made in the present times), then I'm offended. Yes, I do have the mindset that practically anything can/is art because I was born in the "post-modern" era. It all depends on the interpretation of the artist though, not only the viewer.

Views on art is all personal opinion. Scholars don't do shit but label everything. End of story.
/end assignment.

Here's another piece by the same artist:
"Two Roosters Fighting"
I think her use of medium, menstrual blood, is very unique. Here's a similar artist being creative with his medium:

Have fun!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Blog for Orientation to Art and Design (OAD).

My other blog is though it needs work.

Had a wonderful weekend with Chandra and Steven! We (sort of) did homework and played Blind Body Bowling and went to a gallery opening :) Buddy grouuuuupppppppp uniiiiiittteeeeee!

Have a great day.